Legal Notices

In effect since the Feb. 8, 2024

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for Trust in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N., the following legal notices are brought to the attention of users and visitors, hereinafter referred to as "User", of the site, hereinafter referred to as "Site".

Accessing and browsing the Site by the User implies full and unconditional acceptance of these legal notices.

These are available on the Site under the section « Legal Notices ».

The publisher

The publication of the Site is managed by:


Variable capital SCOP ARL

R.C.S. Paris
983 352 857
APE Code
62.01Z - Computer Programming
Head Office
61 rue de lyon, 75012 Paris - France
VAT Number
FR 08 983 352 857
Email Address
+33 9 72 12 48 94

, hereinafter referred to as "Publisher".

In summary: It's us

The Host

The host of the Site:


Variable capital SCOP ARL

Head Office
61 rue de lyon, 75012 Paris - France
+33 9 72 12 48 94

In summary: It's still us

Site Access

The Site is accessible from anywhere, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day except in cases of extreme necessity, scheduled or unscheduled interruptions, and necessary maintenance.

In case of modification, interruption, or suspension of the Site, the Publisher cannot be held responsible.

In summary: We do our best to ensure continuous service

Data collection

The site is exempt from declaration to the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) as it does not collect any data concerning users.

Any use, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, or modification of all or part of the Site, without authorization from the Publisher, is prohibited and may result in legal actions and proceedings, including those provided by the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code.

In summary: No cookies, no tracking

Intellectual property

All text content on this website has been written by the Publisher with or without AI assistance.

All photographs are original works of the Publisher or are licensed under CC0.

All images and illustrations are original works of the Publisher, except for images referring to an external brand, which are the direct property of the referenced brand (Django, Angular, Docker, etc).

In summary: It's ours, or used with permission